
Organisations, Institutes and Associations

  • Arts Council
    • The national development agency for the arts in England, distributing public money from Government and the National Lottery.
    • Phone: 0845 300 6200
  • Fine Art Trade Guild
    • Represents the art and framing industry and is its voice to government, the media and other agencies.
    • 16 -18 Empress Place London SW6 1TT United Kingdom
    • Phone: 020 7381 6616
  • Institute of Art & Law
    • Small independent research and educational organisation, founded in 1995, which analyses the interface between the world of art and antiquities and that of law.
    • Pentre Moel Crickadarn Builth Wells LD2 3BX United Kingdom
  • National Acrylic Painters Association
  • National Portraiture Association
  • Visual Arts and Galleries Association