Housing Corporation
Government Departments and Regulatory Bodies
- The Housing Corporation
- Government agency regulating housing associations in the UK.
- 149 Tottenham Court Road London W1T 7BN
- Phone: 0845 230 7000
- http://www.housingcorp.gov.uk/server/show/nav.001
Societies and Charities
- Shelter
- Help and advice on housing associations in the UK.
- 88 Old Street London EC1V 9HU
- http://www.shelter.org.uk/associations/?r=gaw&WT.srch=1&gclid=CIa7m7zDr5ICFQpZMAodeVpdNA
Organisations, Institutes and Associations
- Housingnet
- Free housing information data for housing associations and local government departments.
- http://www.housingnet.co.uk/